Lo The Floods They Did A' Cometh

Over the past three days I've noticed some subtle changes in the view from my kitchen window. Whereas I once had a view of your typical California parking lot, this morning I couldn't help but find the vista somewhat less serene.

The good thing about torrential rain is that it provides an excuse for my doing what I do best, namely sit on the couch in various states of undress and illegally download music in front of televised women's volleyball. If I'm really feeling motivated, I'll clean out Gladys' fish bowl or even do some spring cleaning.

But not this weekend; thanks to The Merry Krumbster, I spent 9 hours frying up various incarnations of turkey-based meat products.

You see, after graciously accepting a slightly used cast-iron skillet from Mike, I scoured the interweb for tips and tricks on how to restore and re-season my newly-acquired cookware. After concluding that most of the precedures described online were devised as a joke by teenagers on acid ("Now, use a halved potato to scrub off any excess wheat germ") I opted to take things into my own hands.

Step One: Removal of Toxic Oxidation

For reasons I can not hope to explain, I poured day-old coffee grounds and kosher salt into the pan and attacked the skillet with both great prejudice and a heavy-duty sponge. About ten minutes into the process, I looked up from the sink and realized that anybody who had bothered to glance into my window during this time had witnessed a large pasty bald man from the waist up, vigorously pumping his right arm up and down. Given that I was also shirtless, I decided that I would wait for the police to arrive while moving on to:

Step Two: Seasoning & Scorched Earth

If the online resources are to be trusted, seasoning requires only some food with a high fat content, a stove top or oven, and a doctorate in Advanced Thermodynamics. As for the food portion of the equation, Briana is not yet back from her Midwest Odyssey, so my kitchen pantry left very few seasoning options outiside of Bisquick, two types of hot sauce, and expired Toaster Strudel. Since venturing out-of-doors to Trader Joe's was not a viable option, I prayed my bachelor freezer might provide some inspiration.

Six turkey burgers, a pound of turkey bacon, and two pints of canola oil later, I was making some progress, as evidenced by my having to disable the smoke detector in the living room. When my eyes began to sting from airborne bacon, I concluded that any further "seasoning" would be foolish without consulting somebody with more experience working under these conditions. I finished the skillet in the oven set at broil and spent the rest of the night lying on the floor below the noxious blue haze and breathing through a wet towel.

Step Three: The Making of Toxic Egg Dishes

By the next day the skillet was no longer in gaseous form, but was, amzingly, still hot to the touch. In the name of metallurgy-based fine cuisine, I talked myself into formulating a breakfast menu worthy of my new cookware. Completely unable/unwilling to do that, I opted for the predictable menu of Turkey & Spinach & Mushroom Frittata with Turkey Bacon and a side of turkey bacon. Though the iron content of the meal was probably a tad on the high side, the results were surprisingly delicious.

Enjoy your meal.

I just have to avoid magnets for a few weeks.

In a related story, perhaps iron poisoning helps explain my dream last night in which I was in a plane crash with a George W. Bush look-a-like and about 100 girls all dressed like the daughters in "Little House on the Prairie."

And oh, going all the way back to the downloading of music in my skivvies, somebody please help me figure out the organ sample used in this song. Since I'm probably violating several copyright laws, I can only tell you that the band's name rhymes with Fortishead. Anyways, it isn't the theme song to "Taxi," as I originally posited.

This post really changed direction there in the end.

AT&T Is Just Not That Into You

How to Lose A Customer in 10 [non-consecutive] Days:

December 3, 2008:
Field a phone call from well-heeled prospective customer (henceforth referred to as The Mark) who is interested in having life-affirming U-verse cable/internet package installed in his apartment at big, big savings. Before allowing him to speak to a customer service expert, be sure your speech recognition phone menu system can not tell the difference between "YES" and "NO" and that your on-hold music was selected by insane Belgian octogenarians. Secure the first available (see: arbitrary) installation date, which is supposedly a goddam month and a half from now.

January 16, 2009*:
Given that The Mark expects you between the hours of noon and 2:00pm, call him [at work] at 3:55pm to let him know that you've been "ringing the bell over and over but nobody's answering."

Optional: that morning, deploy covert observation expert to laugh at The Mark unplugging current cable box and TV and DVD Player and pulling the entertainment center away from the wall and cleaning up dust bunnies/tumbleweed in anticipation of imaginary AT&T installation appointment.

Later That Day (Revenge of January 16, 2009):
After upping the on-hold musical ante, inform The Mark that you are unable to reschedule until the installation expert calls dispatch to confirm that the appointment was indeed missed. When The Mark offers to put his goldfish on the phone to help explain how stupid that statement sounds, assure him that you understand his frustration and will call back within the hour with a new appointment time. Under no circumstance should you call back.

January 17, 2009:
Make sure you staff your phone lines exclusively with Eastern Bloc customer service experts who exhibit only the most tenuous of grasps upon the English language. Offer a bonus to the operator who can get The Mark off the phone the quickest by promising to call back within the hour with a new installation date. Under no circumstance should you call back.

After not calling back three separate times in a 10 hour timespan, return from happy hour and reward The Mark's fourth phone call that day by allowing him to speak to a supervisor. Tell him that all the supervisors are busy and that you'll have a supervisor call him back. Refrain from laughting when he threatens the lives of your loved ones. Grudgingly give in, but first put him on hold.

Contrary to what you might expect, it is okay to employ a helpful supervisor. This allows you to inform The Mark that he has somehow been scheduled for a March 28 installation. Make sure you record the inevitable "You have got to be fucking kidding me" for playback at the next AT&T Holiday Party. Agree to bend the rules and dispatch an installer on the 19th, MLK Day. Go home, but be sure to call taxis for those who have been drinking.

How can I crush your will to live today?

January 18, 2009
Deploy two service vans to the street The Mark bikes en route to play tennis. Be sure that one driver is asleep and his coworker is smoking with his eyes closed.

January 19, 2009
Have a young-ish looking technician arrive late, but not too late; remember, you want to beat the AT&T record for lengthiest chain yank. Have the technician thank The Mark for unplugging everything (again) and moving the furniture (again) and accept a cup of joe from the gracious host. Now have the technician tell him that he can't install anything because the outlets aren't grounded. Finish the coffee whilst explaining that somebody on the phone should have warned him about that. Leave.

January 20-24, 2009
See January 17, 2009

January 25, 2009
Have the supervisor apologize for the slight misunderstanding. Reschedule for January 31. Take this opportunity to mock The Mark by sending him several "Start enjoying your new service‏" emails.

January 30, 2009
Call The Mark at 8:30am and leave a message saying he somehow already missed tomorrow's appointment and ask if he'd like to reschedule. When he calls later that day to speak to the supervisor's supervisor, you know what to do. Tell him tomorrow's appointment is still a go and that the morning's phone call was just a glitch. Give the automated phone system a raise.

January 31, 2009
Be sure the installation team is only 5 minutes late. Thank The Mark for making coffee and unplugging everything (again) and moving the furniture (jinx!) and assure him that the outlets look up to code. Now ask to be let into the locked basement.

Fucking run for it.

*70 degrees and sunny... bonus points.

Breaking Breaking News

You will know I have won the lottery when I do this.

Homework Assignment

Someone help figure out which writer for the kinda-good "Psych" went to the University of Wisconsin. He very subtly gave a shot out to the alma mater by giving football players in the latest episode names of Bevell, Fletcher, Dayne and Bollinger.

I assume the character of Bucky was written out.