The universe continues to conspire against your humble BumperSmasher. Well, not "the universe" exactly, and not "against me" exactly, but something, as they say, is up. Strings are being pulled. Higher powers' fingers are being pulled.
After going without the interweb for two weeks (see previous post) I spent 75 non-consecutive minutes with a friendly AT&T representative ordering the works... I say non-consecutive minutes because the customer service specialist was forced to call me back three separate times due to "slight flooding in the building." An inauspicious beginning to the AT&T-Me&B marriage, but they can do no worse than Comcast; or, as I experienced for exactly 730 days, the length of their standard "Now Grab Your Ankles" contract, Sprint.
Once settling on a date that my modem and cable box and bonus equipment would be installed (January 16th... Dear AT&T: Maybe, um, hire some more guys?) I hung up my phone and returned to listening to something or other on my trusty VAIO.
Exactly ten seconds later this happened.
I proceeded to calmly voice my displeasure.
Mere minutes later, while navigating the television listings, I noticed Presumed Innocent started in less than half an hour on Encore. At that very moment, Presumed Innocent was being burned on my computer, as only a day prior I rented it after concluding that (1) I had somehow never seen it before, (2) I wanted to, and (3) "it's never on TV."
I had some prior experience with this phenomenon when, years ago in Portland, the mood struck and I rented A Christmas Story in the middle of July. Then, at work the following day, I walked into the KPTV control room and said "I watched A Christmas Story last night," and four other people said, "Me too." The mood had apparantly also struck the powers-that-be at TBS.
Speaking of the holidays, I leave Thursday for the pristine climes of the Midwest.
I'll be sure to check the top of my Netflix queue to see what the in-flight movie will be.
After going without the interweb for two weeks (see previous post) I spent 75 non-consecutive minutes with a friendly AT&T representative ordering the works... I say non-consecutive minutes because the customer service specialist was forced to call me back three separate times due to "slight flooding in the building." An inauspicious beginning to the AT&T-Me&B marriage, but they can do no worse than Comcast; or, as I experienced for exactly 730 days, the length of their standard "Now Grab Your Ankles" contract, Sprint.
Once settling on a date that my modem and cable box and bonus equipment would be installed (January 16th... Dear AT&T: Maybe, um, hire some more guys?) I hung up my phone and returned to listening to something or other on my trusty VAIO.
Exactly ten seconds later this happened.
I proceeded to calmly voice my displeasure.
Mere minutes later, while navigating the television listings, I noticed Presumed Innocent started in less than half an hour on Encore. At that very moment, Presumed Innocent was being burned on my computer, as only a day prior I rented it after concluding that (1) I had somehow never seen it before, (2) I wanted to, and (3) "it's never on TV."
I had some prior experience with this phenomenon when, years ago in Portland, the mood struck and I rented A Christmas Story in the middle of July. Then, at work the following day, I walked into the KPTV control room and said "I watched A Christmas Story last night," and four other people said, "Me too." The mood had apparantly also struck the powers-that-be at TBS.
Speaking of the holidays, I leave Thursday for the pristine climes of the Midwest.
I'll be sure to check the top of my Netflix queue to see what the in-flight movie will be.

Actual photo from my last trip to O'Hare.
Coincidentally I just had a new cable modem installed this morning from RCN cable. They are a smaller anti-Comcast here on the east coast (maybe mid-west too).
Anyhow you should see the sight, two cable modems hooked up to one cable connection because my dumb bitch roommate is too selfish and stupid to share one modem and one connection.
Anyhow, I now have my own 5Mb connection with which I can stream movies, play Xbox and download porn.
Oh I forgot to say, I called on Monday and they came to install it today (Wednesday).
How did you get Sprint to drop you like that? I've been trying for YEARS.
I too, leave for the midwest next week. 2 days before you though... Happy Holidays! Brrrrrr
love the links, particularly "slight flooding." nice to see you go the extra 5280 feet.
have fun in the great state and get the hell out of illinois.
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