
I'm fully aware that I've not updated BumperSmash since, apparently, returning from Florida.

While there are several reasons for this, all of them would be lies. I was originally waiting for my magical Super 8mm film (featuring both Dougie/Ingie & Dandy/Sommer weddings) to get processed so I could incorporate the stunning images therein into my otherwise video-challenged blog, though now that I have the film back I'm going to need about sixteen months to color correct and otherwise edit the footage into something remotely coherent. Since the camera wasn't functioning properly, the movie features roughly 27,000 shots, each three tenths of a second in duration, so any prolonged viewing sends an audience into a wedding-themed epileptic seizure.

That said, I'll get back to you (hopefully with said footage) soon[ish].

For now, I need advice on how to not take Top Chef to bed with me. I dreamed the other night that I was in a Quickfire Challenge that was to tell a sordid story through the culinary arts "the more out there the better." So, I pan-fried a Cajun pickle and rested it upon a bowl of spicy baby Blue Crabs and told Tom Colicchio that it was an STD ("There's a tickle in my pickle because I have crabs.")

And Padma wasn't even nude, so I have to tweak these dreams somehow. Please advise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this blog makes me sad.