It's pronounced "Webelo."

Herein lays a self-congratulatory official posting of an Arrested Development spec script I wrote back in the New York days. For you laypersons, a "spec script" is an episode of a popular television program one writes and then forces others to read late at night while under the influence of powerful spirits.

Actually, there's more to it than that (in theory), but this blog is nothing if not anti-educative. So if you accidentally stumbled upon this page researching spec scripts, (A) your search engine must really suck hard, and (B) don't rip off my script's jokes. Go here instead and make me proud.

This script was intended to fit neatly inside the early parts of the 2nd season, somewhere around the "Amigos" episode. If you don't know what that means, I'm sorry but we can no longer be friends. This is not the final draft (you'll notice a few capitalization mistakes and this version's final montage is utter garbage because I didn't know how to write them yet) but I'll stand up and fight for it.

One Ms. Jennifer Arndt deserves no small amount of gratitude for her help with writing the script, as pretty much every word of it was intended to make her laugh.

So: here it is.

I encourage your inner editor (probably an asshole) to offer commentary, criticism and any other honest assesements. Of course, as per my strict policy of unrepentant self aggrandizing, any criticisms will be summarily ignored.


jen said...

This thing still makes me laugh. I tend to think that I've really seen this episode, as we all should have.
"Chi Chi's a no show!"
Come on! That's good.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to re-read it tonight at work.

Do you know about the Arrested movie? Things are looking pretty good: Arrested Movie In Works

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you have posted this - I have been wanting to read this again.