To remedy this, I've decided to install the first of many installments (hence the name) that will hopefully amuse and inspire reader commentary. There will be the requisites, e.g. "Desert Island Albums" and "Marry Bang Kill," as well as the new classics: "Baseball's Greatest 'Staches".
This one came up last night with Timmy Sondreal in town. We will, in our winter years, open a bar in which the only wall hangings are framed photographs of moustachioed ballplayers. More on Tim at a later date (when he shares the photos he took), but one quick note: he had a date within 30 minutes of landing at San Francisco International Airport. Kavorka.
That being said, on with the show. I only vaguely recall this guy, but I recall with startling clarity his hairy horseshoe.

Don't forget about Sam Thompson. That dude had a hellova mustache...
(see link below...)
Good blog Nate.
...miss you man.**http%3A//
BumperSmash, I love it!! Say hello to Timmy for me, he's a charmer:)
Well, since I can't do Jack Morris, I'll stick to the tried and true Tigers - Kirk Gibson
Robin Yount.
I think the consistency award should go to my good buddy Dennis Eckersly.
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