As Opposed To A Flat Ravine

As promised, some vistas from our excursion to the pristine chunk of rock and seashore known as Steep Ravine, right off Highway 1.

Not pictured: The raccoon[s?] that was/were brave enough to trot into our camp in search of our yummy camping stew, made yummier still after I rediscovered my favorite condiment ever, MSG, known in European circles as Aromat.

Sidebar: Ladybugs in the Muir Woods are, um, plentiful:

From Steep Ravine

Sidebar II, "Revenge of the Sidebar": We watched Bulworth last night, Briana for the first time and I for the first time in years. This movie has been severely re-edited for DVD, and, now, borderline sucks. Briana thinks I am making all this up. Furthermore, as I can't find any online evidence of said conspiratorial re-editing (seriously, this film used to be pretty interesting, if not downright inspired), George is getting upset. If any of you loyal readers can bring forth proof of the massive chop-job done upon the once-great Bulworth, I will mail you an autographed photograph of Barack Obama.*

Fortunately, the evening was salvaged by one of the more fun-to-watch films of all time, Dead Again. Cozy Carlisle, baby.

That reminds me of two movies that Douglas and I rewatched whilst living in Portland... movies we went from remembering fondly to hating with the white hot passion of a thousand suns and, accoringly, loathing ourselves for ever thinking were decent in the first place: The Abyss, and Glory.

Both of them horrible.

*Autographed by my neighbor Carol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should have told us you didn't have aromat. had one in the cupboard this whole time.

ing remembers the "glory" evening quite well, particularly because i was actually trying to watch it despite your attempts at mst3k.

you always liked bulworth more than was healthy or deserved, but i find it perhaps likely that things have been adjusted. halle berry in there still? then it could be worse.

camping spot looks grand. glad you finally left the bar!