State of the Gallimaufry...

..."gallimaufry" being a word [derived from Gallant] I discovered whilst revisiting the columns of Digby Anderson... required reading from my all-time favorite college course, Plants and Man, which, despite being a ludicrously-difficult course test-wise (multiple choices from hell*... average scores were often well below 50%), did allow us to brew beer in lieu of a mid-term.

But I digress.

gal·li·mau·fry means medly or hodgepodge, so with the title of this post I am inferring that there are any number of things about which I might update you, my discerning reader[s?]. Sadly, most of the afore-mentioned things are rather boring unless they are happening to you. This phenomenon is intrinsic to all blogs and other people's stories about other people's cats.

Disclaimer aside:

1. I'm getting a new bed! Whoopity-Poo! It's from Keetsa and it is ultra-firm**.

2. Some idiot cleaned one of our betta's tanks with the slightest amount of dish soap only to find out that doing so is advisable only if you want your fish to sleep with the fishes.

3. Camping at the Steep Ravine in a couple weeks; rumour has it that one can actually dig one's own hot springs on the beach at low tide. This will provide at least one humorous anecdote (and/or horrible burn) I assure you.

4. Briana just got up so I'm going to go make coffee before she... oh she just did it.

5. I'm going to go anyway. There are several other little components of the gallimaufry but they'll have to wait.

"Warning: some of the multiple choice answers may be true statements in themselves but do not address the opening statement. I have used that strategy as a standard maneuver to select between those who understand the question vs those who only know that an irrelevant statement is true. Make sure your option is not only true, but also that it addresses the point raised by the opening statement for the question. The form requires numbered options as well as numbered questions, so to avoid confusion, the option numbers are preceded by a letter eg. j9. If you fill in two blanks you get no credit like a wrong answer. Do fill in something for each question, because a blank gets no credit just like a wrong guess."
**I'm sorry, but that is what she said.


Anonymous said...

you always did love that guy. i remember he told a story about a former student stopping him in an airport in order to thank him. keep your eyes out for the opportunity, you botany-lovin' guy, you.

fresno smesno.

Anonymous said...

I have several points to bring up:

1) Gallimaufry should be the new name of your blog. Bumpersmash should remain your professional website when you get the biz up and running.

2) I thought Keetsa was the name of another one of your friends from Wisconsin. Thought maybe he gave you his old bed or something.

3)I now have a gallimaufry of images on my work computer including the "idiot" photo you linked to. It has become the new photo of you in my phone, not because I think you look like an idiot, but because it is a very cool pic.