Warm Milk Didn't Work; Pontification Perhaps?

One of the more underrated thrills of having the flu is the insomniatic onset of dementia.

A certain macabre calm sets in late at night when, after thousands of minute body adjustments result only in different regions of your head becoming alternatively solid/liquid, you make peace with the fact that sleep will not come any time soon.

It's 4:54 in the ante meridiem. Embrace it. (The situation, that is. Too tired for the other.)

For this morning's TheraFlu-induced revelries, I found myself recalling an article heralding the merits of Very Short Stories, an old concept that [kinda sorta] recently reemerged in [kinda sorta] meme form and even more recently became a mental exercise for the Generation Me to summarize themselves.

Basically, one has six words to conjure up a story. The most famous and, probably, best, is courtesy Hemingway: "For Sale: Baby shoes. Never used."*

I think the concept is far more fun/effective in narrative form, and besides, had I been in an autobiographical mood this morning, any memoir in my debilitated condition would be something to the effect of "Exhaustion and phlegm reign eternal, internal."

That being the case, here's what I found scribbled on the back of an envelope next to the bed this morning, which I share with you in hopes of myriad new submissions from you, left in the COMMENTS section.

Six Word Fictions:

Now to hide the bloodstained uniforms.

Repent, dear husband; I survived you.

Turns out expiration dates are important.

Their marriage left their passions unresolved.

My prison penpal hadn't mentioned probation.

"What college fund?" lamented the gambler.

But his guide dog could swim.

The obituary downplayed the prostitution aspect.

*Often quoted as "For Sale: Baby shoes. Never worn."

Of Flora and Fatalism

Gladys (in the bowl on the left) and Darnell swim beneath
the skeletal remains of our once proud house plant.

One of the standing orders Briana left me was to take good care of our modest plant collection. I would have stood a better chance had she told me to grow a second dick while she was away. And, let's face it, I'd have fun trying. And there'd be minimal repotting.

Mine is not a green thumb.

This is not for lack of trying. In fact, I have to remind myself not to over-water the plants. I prune, I pamper, I feed them exotic plant foods whilst singing smooth jazz standards to them. In turn, the plants stay awake at night trying to set themselves on fire rather than spend one more day in my care.

If vegetation can scowl, this plant is almost certainly doing so. It looks like we planted the fucking thing upside-down.

Now, animals I'm cool with. Those fish love me, and eat freeze-dried bloodworms from my hands. Even cats, which I loathe, love nothing more than to lay atop me all day enjoying the gentle rhythm of my breathing, siliently plotting the deaths of all things decent and holy. If the cat happens to belong to Ingrid, there's a good chance that said cat feels sufficiently comfortable in my presence to sleep on my chest with its twisted little ass resting mere inches from my chin.

So what the eff am I doing to these plants? Something is clearly very, very wrong. I fear that if someone ever introduces me to a dog named "Fern," I'll pet it and it will instantly develop heartworm and bolt for the nearest interstate.

Briana, come home soon, and kindly ignore the dead leaves strewn about the kitchen floor.


Working in the field of (and therefore watching copious amounts of) television has rarely been this unbearable.

Make It Stop
Please God Make It Stop
We Are Alone In The Universe

Not since this debacle have I been less able to shake annoying jingles.

An NC-17 Doppelganger-palooza

As an attempt to assuage the Tampa Bay Rays' profound disappointment in coming up short at the World Series, I submit to you, my humble reader, the Phillies' covert use of psychological warfare.

To be brief [debriefed?], it is not easy to defeat an opponent into whose chin you want to stick your Johnson.

Family Circus Meets BumperSmash (?)

To anybody who takes the time to go through this whole post: congratulations... I assure you that you are the only one to do so. This post seemed like a good idea at the time (specifically, a couple of hours ago). I thought it would take about 5 pictures and about half an hour.

It did not.

Obviously, I had myriad idle time today. So, here's the route I take to BART after work... thanks to my cheap-ass-yet-much-beloved longboard I can leave work at 11:35ish and still catch the 11:41 train.

So, without further ado, here's an incredibly boring slice of life, which is rendered even more boring because when you are taking in the scenery, you are not riding a skateboard in the middle of the night without a helmet.
*In no way epic.

Nerd Alert

New phone.*
Bought a Wii.
Telling you about it via a blog.
Oh, and Top Chef on DVR after work.

In other news, Happy Belated, Dougie.
Love to the fam.

In the meantime: here's a nifty (or, fancy pants) flash game.



*Courtesy Krumboltz the Impaler

Unnecessary Update (!)

Post-Election State of the Nathan

Almost done reading: Nobody's Fool, by Richard Russo
Marinating in the fridge: Chicken
Legally betting at: ESPN Streak For The Cash
Watching until football starts: Magnum Force
Determined to remember: Doug's birthday
Pajama pants: Comfortable

One month from seeing my baby and my family and the snowy hell that is Chicago, Illinois.

Today I Am Remided Of...


As part of the whole, this clip may register as saccharine; 'tis not to be interpreted as a clumsy election day analogy (much less a race-based one) but rather a reminder that, today, it is history we'll be writing.