Kitty Butler's Dresser

If you had any idea what this entry's title is a reference to (and be thankful that you hadn't), you would have somehow been duped into seeing Tipping the Velvet, a magical BBC mini-series with all the subtlety of a flame-throwing day-glo Visigoth on methamphetamines.

Within the first 15 minutes of the show [the title of which is a euphemism for cunnilingus] our virginal Victorian protagonist goes from shucking clams (spoiler alert!) to becoming the personal dresser for a male impersonator with a penchant for changing outifts in rooms with many, many sexily-placed mirrors.

The dialogue and narrative arc was very believable, provided you are riding a unicorn through the golden streets of Atlantis whilst reading this.

In Tipping's honor, I offer one of my favorite all-time movie quotes which, in 4 glorious seconds, conjures up more dramatic resonance and better underscores a character's guarded vulnerability than those hacks from the BBC could possibly fathom:*

"I love the PowerGlove... it's so bad." - Lucas

*I actually love the BBC** but, let's just face it,
they don't know Ninja Gaiden.
**The BBC was also the name of a pizza from
a restaurant I worked at in high school;
the Bacon Broccoli and Cheddar used
mayonnaise*** in lieu of tomato sauce.
***Spelling mayonnaise is a motherfucker.

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