Still Bitter

It's been well over three years since Threadless rejected my t-shirt submission due to copyright infringement concerns:

Click for larger version. Is the text extraneous?

This was, of course, well before I met Andy Dick in La Rocca's. But really, Crispin was a far bigger trainwreck than Andy methinks. Let's go to the tape.

I remember watching that show live. 'Twas jaw-dropping.

As an aside, Briana thinks, nay, knows, that I have something of a problem with t-shirts. I covet them... ache for them. Many of them are too tight according to Doug. Many actually are too tight.
But dem's the breaks says I.

This post got away from me.

Well, here's my new favorite shirt from GirlAndRhino:

Their site seems to be down, but come get some when you're in my hoodie.

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