Before crossing the border into Nebraska, I would always had to pull over my car and make sure I wasn't carrying any firearms for fear that I would shoot myself in the face upon realizing I still had half the state left to cross.
Even Interstate 80's own website seems to detest that stretch of highway, implying that the best part of I-80 is getting the fuck off I-80. And I quote: "Interstate 80 in Nebraska is notable for its 25 safety rest areas, which are spaced about 35-50 miles apart and often offer tourist information."
So while I do have you in my thoughts today, sweet baby, I assure you that, in those thoughts, you are nowhere near North Platte.
I'll leave you with the crown jewel of I-80, The Great Platte River Road Archway Monument.

Somehow a photograph can't capture the sheer splendor of a prefabricated giftshop hovering over 4 lanes of blacktop.
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