
As my daily interweb regimen has been devoted almost exclusively to a potent time-wasting cocktail of Scrabble, exhaustive fantasy baseball research, and laughing at this guy's before/after photo, BumperSmashing has proven to be a low priority.

However, a desultory instant message from one Nicholas Desbiens, a dear pal from the Marshy Fields of central Wisconsin*, has rekindled my blogging fire via a fond reminiscence of a particularly miraculous card trick we performed one sweltering summer's day at a Minneapolis journalism camp.**

But I'm not going to write about that yet.

To bide the time, I'll share with you an entirely infantile chestnut from the vault courtesy the online yearbook I somehow stumbled upon, most likely whilst google-stalking ex-girlfriends.***

In yon high school days, the acme of hilarity was the fact that Chris D. and Sean B. were, for lack of a better term, inseparable.

There you have it.

SIDE NOTE: Our assistant principal was named Harley Davison.

*Please note that Marshfield is home
to both the world's largest round barn
and the world's largest urinal.
Suck on that, Europe.

**Holy fuck I was dorky.

***Only kidding, honey.


Anonymous said...

thanks for that lovely trip down memory lane.
i'm surprised for a couple of reasons. first, the urinal issue. i could have boasted about this for years.
second, i am, apparently, a member of the '95 graduating class, despite the fact that roughly 47% of the people also considered 'members' mean nothing to me. not them personally, you understand, but who knew we went to school with some of these people?
jake hansen is/was a marine?

..nathan.. said...

i assume this is dougie writing? get an account, chum(p).

Nicholas Desbiens said...

Made the Smash!

Anonymous said...

I heard that this guy was often found between Chris D. and Sean B.

Sometimes Sean B. was on his chin.

But seriously, did you double for this guy in any of his early flicks?