Guitar Hero For Those Of Us Without A Video Game System

1. Go HERE. The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2. Go to Random quotations. The last four words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album. If you want to do this again, you'll hit refresh to generate new quotes, because clicking the quotes link again will just give you the same quotes over and over again.

3. Go to flickr's Explore the Last Seven Days. Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4. Put it all together, that's your debut album.

5. If you're cool, you'll get into intravenous drug use.

My first attempt ruled, though I think we may be Icelandic or something:

My band, Nokdumuk, released our first album, thing to be acheived, with this album cover (which is a video, so we, as a band, are breaking all kinds of ground here; I think the cover will be made like those old "motion" stickers that moved when you tilted your viewing angle).

UPDATE: I just spent an hour trying to find those stickers somewhere online. Surely somebody out there knows what I'm talking about. When scratched they made that zipper sound.

There's a dong joke there somewhere, but I'm above it. Someone get me those stickers.


Anonymous said...


We are the Mid-Govans (actually an area in Baltimore, Maryland?) and our rocking first album is "for what I am." The album cover ended up being a semi-attractive woman, so I made an executive decision to include a semi-attractive female bassist.

Nice that you now have "heroin" as a reference on your blog.

Also nice that you've included a bit of audience participation.

Anonymous said...

My band name is "People and Robbers of Cardemom Town". I know - I think it's extremely bad ass, too. Our debut album is titled "Much Use to Anyone" and I was too lazy to get my album cover.

Are you talking about hologram stickers?

..nathan.. said...

not hologram stickers... those are cool too, but these were like textured; magnefied, the stickers probably looked like |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
from the side, so when you tilted it you'd see the image only one side of the |||s and vice versa.

that makes no sense, huh?